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Nicholas Ryan

Call: 1984
Inn: Gray's Inn

Professional Profile

Nick has been practising in family law for a number of years.

Areas of Work


Nick specialises in Family Law including all aspects of Matrimonial Finance, Child Care and Private Law. He particularly enjoys matters with a cross-border element, including the finances of couples from different EU states, as well as the status and return of children under the Hague Convention and Brussels IIA; questions of jurisdiction and permission to remove children from the UK.

Further Information

Notable Cases

X v X. Italian couple married in England, divorce petitions in both countries which country had jurisdiction?

X v X. English couple whose property interests were entirely in France. Divorce petition in England; matrimonial home and property portfolio in France. Could English court deal with it?

X v X. French couple living in England; dispute over where child should live.

X v X. English mother, Australian father, child born in Australia, living in England; mother sought school fees under Schedule I Children Act.

X v X. Mother wished to relocate with children to Australia; father opposed.

X v X. Spanish mother and child living in England; Spanish father living in Spain. Child habitually resident in England; Father issues proceedings in Spain.

X v X. Turkish Muslim father, English Christian mother; dispute about religious education.

X v X. Property dispute of Orthodox Jewish couple who never had UK Civil marriage.

X v X. Child dispute between Indian mother UK citizen, Indian Father French citizen and Mother’s 2nd husband, Indian US citizen.

X v X. Child and property dispute, Wife/Mother Hong Kong Chinese, UK passport, Husband/Father Hong Kong Chinese US passport; property in Hong Kong, children with grandparents in mainland China. Divorce petition in England.

X v X. English couple living in Spain; Husband issues in Spain Wife issues in England; jurisdictional dispute under Brussels IIA.