Forfeiture, Penalties and Damages in Property Law
The Annual Property Law Lecture hosted by the Charity Law and Policy Unit, University of Liverpool and Atlantic Chambers.

Date: Tuesday 21st February 2023
Time: 6:00PM to 7:00PM
Venue: The School of Law and Social Justice Building, The University of Liverpool Chatham Street Liverpool L69 7ZR
Cost: Free
In this lecture, the Hon. Mr Justice Fancourt, Vice-Chancellor of the County Palatine of Lancaster, Supervising Judge of the Business and Property Courts for the Northern & North-Eastern Circuits, will consider the proper scope of forfeiture of property and contractual rights, with reference to the law of penalties and damages.
The Annual Property Law Lecture hosted by the Charity Law and Policy Unit, University of Liverpool and Atlantic Chambers.
A drinks reception will follow on after the talk.