About Us

Atlantic Chambers is one of the most dynamic sets of barristers' chambers in the North West. The expertise of our barristers is being called upon nationwide.


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Practice Areas

We have a reputation for high quality advice and advocacy across all areas of practice with dedicated practitioners at all levels of experience and seniority.

Our Barristers

We have a reputation for high quality advice and advocacy across all areas of practice with dedicated practitioners at all levels of experience and seniority.

Get in Touch

Provision of Service

The following information is provided by Atlantic Chambers in accordance with the requirements of The Provision of Services Regulations 2009. Any required information that is not provided below is available upon request.

Chambers details

Each member of Atlantic Chambers is an independent self-employed barrister carrying on business as a sole trader.

Authorisation scheme

Atlantic Chambers are regulated by the Bar Standards Board (BSB) to provide legal services in England and Wales. Chambers and its barristers are governed by the BSB Handbook which is available from the Bar Standards Board website (see below).  Should you wish to contact the BSB, their contact details are:

The Bar Standards Board
289-293 High Holborn

Telephone:    020 7611 1444
Fax:               020 7831 9217

Insurance policies

Professional Indemnity Insurance:

Every barrister must have Professional Indemnity Insurance and this is provided by Bar Mutual (BMIF) which provides cover for individual barristers of up to £2.5 million.  Bar Mutual was set up by barristers for barristers and is not a commercial insurance company.  They can be contacted though Thomas Miller, who manage Bar Mutual.

Contact Details:
Thomas Miller
90 Fenchurch Street
London  EC3M 4ST

Telephone:    020 7621 0405

Members of Chambers can opt to purchase additional top up insurance cover, over and above their Bar Mutual insurance, in accordance with and determined by their individual practice requirements.  Such top up cover is provided by TLO Insurance.  Details of such additional cover can be supplied upon request by contacting the Chambers Administrator

Employers/Public Liability Insurance:

Atlantic Chambers are separately insured for Employers’ Liability (Compulsory Insurance) Act 1969 for £10M by Aviva under policy number 96OSP1013312 and for Public Liability with a limit of Indemnity of £5M.  Chambers insurance is managed by intermediaries: Towergate Insurance.

Contact details for Towergate Insurance are;

26-28 Pembroke Road, Sevenoaks, Kent, TN13 1XR

Telephone:   01732 228753


VAT registration

Atlantic Chambers operates under the VAT registration of their Head of Chambers, Charles Prior, his registration number is 673442919.  All barristers at Atlantic Chambers hold their own personal VAT registration number which can be obtained upon request by contacting the Chambers Administrator.